let your voice be heard

Do you feel like you have something inside of you that you’d love to just unleash onto the eyes and minds of the world?

Is there a message that you find yourself saying to people on repeat because you see the positive effect it has on them?

Are there quotations or images that you turn to on a regular basis to give yourself some motivation and encouragement?

Is there a song, video, or some other sort of multi-media that resonates with you in some powerful way, so you would like to share it with others?

Anything and everything — if you’ve got something to say, I would love to hear it . . . and then let the Phoenix carry the message further!

If you would like to contribute any type of content to the “Phlight of the Phoenix blog, please do the following:

— make sure authorship of the content, regardless of format,  is clearly stated

— if the content is not original to you, then please make sure permission from the original author has been obtained when necessary, and that you include in your article a link to direct us back to the original content

— including at least one image is preferred, though you must follow the same protocol re: authorship / linking back to the original

— you most-definitely have the option of including a short bio of yourself at the end of the article, should you choose to do so (and is recommended)

— with a subject line of “Blog Submission” — please email articles that are ready to be published to: jenthephoenix@gmail.com.
