Even the Universe believes in the power of magic . . .

So, I’m on various mailing lists, and one of my all time faves is one where every weekday morning I receive a message “from the Universe.”  I know it sounds kinda out there — BUT — they are almost always highly motivational and/or inspirational, and feeling inspired, to me, is pretty much the best feeling you can have because it filters out into all other aspects of your life – physical, mental, and emotional.

Last “Make You Think Thursday” I posted an image that made you think about magic in its relation to logic.  Well, the theme of MAGIC is so present in my own life right now, that it’s permeating over to the blog for a second week in a row.  I think one’s appreciation for the magic in their lives is just so powerful that it deserves more focused attention.  And if I can get you thinking about it, even if for only a moment, then that’s just brilliant. :)

Received this message from the Universe this past Monday.  It really resonated with me, and spoke words I needed to be reminded of at pretty much the perfect time – so I chose to hold on to it in order to share it with you because mayhaps it’ll speak to you at a time when you need to hear it as well.


From the Universe 061311


If the words do speak to you, then I highly suggest that you type them out for yourself, include your own name, and post it somewhere prominent in your space where you can see it constantly.  The positive effect this can have on you and how you choose to spend your time can be fantastical.

Here’s to you feeling the magic, angelfish . . . :)

with passion & gratitude — jbish