Someone Attached a GoPro to an Eagle . . .

Someone Attached a GoPro to an Eagle and the Footage is BREATHTAKING

Monday, September 23, 2013

It’s a moment of extreme cognitive dissonance when the most patriotic thing you have ever seen in your American life is actually super-French.

A video featuring GoPro footage shot by an eagle soared to the top of Reddit’s video page recently, delighting all who laid eyes upon it. Before anyone watching has the opportunity to shed a tear for the purple mountain’s majesty, etc., though, a caption on the video mentions that this was shot in the Chamonix valley of France’s Mer de Glace. Is it animal abuse to weigh down such a majestic creature by strapping a camera to it? Considering how gracefully this winged treasure swoops around this scenic tableau, the answer is no.


with passion & gratitude — jennifer